Until such a thing happens to you, you have no way of really knowing and realizing this for yourself.

I say it happens to you, because when it does, it will not be due to your will, but actually due to a somehow total surrender and not like you could’ve ever imagined before.
You will wake up like everyone else and will be able to sleep like everyone else, eat and poop like everyone else, but it will never be the same again. You will actually stop having dreams while asleep unless you want to dream. Most of the time you will just lay in bed not knowing that you have slept and hours will pass by but for you it was like 5 mins.

You will maybe even have to go to trough several false awakenings. That’s where you wake up in a dream thinking that you have woken up, but its still a dream, so you wake up again and find yourself to be still dreaming. This can happen back to back, like a loop of dreams and waking up in dreams, until you are here again but not like before.

But this will never be a reality for you, for you have no place there and many of you don’t even really want this, because supposedly it would take all the fun away.
But the real reason is pure fear, a raw deep rooted fear. The dream itself doesn’t want to end and it does everything in it’s might to continue.
It stranglehold is immense and it will play every trick to make sure it keeps going on.

And they’ll ask, so why then does such a person return to participate with us in the dream and the answer to that is that the one returning never left and is not the person who was dreaming. That person dissolved into the dream when it realized that is was a dream and what is left is the one who is both the dream and the dreamer but also not.

You guys think that once one is robbed from itself that it completely looses all it’s desires and stops to exist in the world. That’s not how it works. I’ll give u guys one hint. There’s no more an apparent separation between me and my desires. I am not having desires anymore, I am totally and completely my desires. So what stops to exist was never here in the first place. You losing everything you held dear doesn’t mean you lose all the desires but only the one who held them dear and thought it was having those desires.

People are like, oh Nacre God this relieves the burden doesn’t it, it gives a feeling of relief, it makes you feel better.
LOL! NO! It doesn’t. It does nothing, it doesn’t feel like anything, it doesn’t give a feeling, it’s not a feeling.
That hope is just you who get’s validated and confirmed. Strengthening the you in thinking there’s a solution.
That’s just you wanting to be comforted in what you know, in that what you think is you, but never can be.
It comes from the fear that there’s something wrong and something to survive and something to endure.
There would be no relief if there was no fear and no thoughts about a you who needs to survive.
The feeling that there’s some way out and something to solve, is you and it is the burden.
In fact, solace is exactly what it isn’t. You feeling relief is nothing but the burden.
You wanting help, support and reassurance is the burden and only fortifies the burden.
Otherwise there is no burden at all. You feeling better and relieved is the burden.
You wanting condolence and consolation is the burden. The opposite is also true.
After this you’ll feel stressed again searching for a new moment of relief.
You are both and that relief will again strengthen the search for it.
That fear and the relief are one and the same thing and it’s you.
You are the cycle and so the merry-go-around will continue.

And I’m not talking about physical fears, like when a big spider falls on your face.
And I’m not talking about physical comfort, like when you get out of the hot burning sun.

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