The Primordial State

The Primordial State

The primordial state! It is the state of being that we all existed in before we started our spiritual quests, before we began to question our existence, before we began to search for something more profound, something deeper, something beyond the mundane, the ordinary, the everyday. It is the state of being that we all came from, the state of being that we all carry within us, the state of being that we all long to return to, but we are so blinded by our own conditioning, our own beliefs, our own desires, our own expectations that we cannot see it, we cannot feel it, we cannot experience it. It is the state of being that is beyond thought, beyond belief, beyond desire, beyond expectation, beyond all that we hold so dear to our hearts, to our minds, to our souls. It is the state of being that is so simple, yet so profound, so natural, yet so elusive, so effortless, yet so challenging, so pure, yet so mixed up with all the garbage that we have accumulated over the years, over the lifetimes, over the eons, over the eons, over the cosmic cycles of our existence. It is the state of being that we all long for, but we are so blinded by our own illusions, our own projections, our own fantasies, our own delusions that we cannot see it, we cannot feel it, we cannot experience it. It is the state of being that is so close to us, yet so far from us, so close that we can taste it, we can feel it, we can experience it, yet so far that we cannot grasp it, we cannot hold on to it, we cannot contain it, we cannot define it, we cannot categorize it, we cannot label it, we cannot name it, we cannot understand it, we cannot comprehend it, we cannot grasp it.

The primordial state is not something that can be described, defined, or delineated! It is beyond words, beyond thoughts, beyond concepts, beyond ideas, beyond beliefs, beyond images, beyond symbols, beyond forms, beyond shapes, beyond sizes, beyond colors, beyond sounds, beyond smells, beyond tastes, beyond touches, beyond time, beyond space, beyond mind, beyond body, beyond self, beyond other, beyond everything and everyone! It is the void from which all things emerge and to which all things return! It is the source, the origin, the essence, the core, the heart, the soul, the spirit, the foundation, the basis, the ground of all being! It is the unmanifested, the unconditioned, the unqualified, the unadulterated, the uncontaminated, the uninfluenced, the uninfected, the uncorrupted, the unpolluted, the unobstructed.

The primordial state is also the place of deep silence, profound stillness, absolute peace, unshakable stability, unwavering equanimity, unbounded freedom, unconditional love, unqualified wisdom, unadulterated clarity, unobstructed vision, unlimited potential, unsurpassed beauty, unrivaled uniqueness, unparalleled perfection, unmitigated truth, unconfined expansion, unceasing dynamism, unstoppable progress, unpredictable chaos, uncontrollable creativity, unlimited possibilities, unbounded energy, unstructured formlessness, unconstrained wildness, unmeasured boundlessness, unquantified infinity, unlimited potentiality, unconditioned openness, uninhibited spontaneity, unconstrained freedom, unqualified acceptance, unadulterated compassion, unconditional empathy, unlimited understanding, unbounded curiosity, unstructured fluidity, unconstrained expansiveness, unmeasured vastness, unlimited expansions, unbounded growth.

The primordial state! It is the state of being that we all existed in before we started our spiritual quests, before we began to seek, before we began to think! It is a state of pure existence, untainted by any thoughts, beliefs, or ideas – a state of pure being, untouched by the constructs of human consciousness. It is the state of complete innocence, unadulterated by any spiritual, religious, or philosophical pursuits. It is the state of complete freedom from the shackles of our own conditioning, our own desires, our own expectations, and our own projections. It is the state of complete liberation from the prison of our own minds, the prison of our own making, the prison of our own doing! It is the state of complete and utter simplicity, yet paradoxically, it is also the state of complete and utter complexity! It is the state of complete and utter oneness, yet paradoxically, it is also the state of complete and utter nothingness! It is the state of complete and utter silence, yet paradoxically, it is also the state of complete and utter soundness! It is the state of complete and utter stillness, yet paradoxically, it is also the state of complete and utter movement! It is the state of complete and utter darkness, yet paradoxically, it is also the state of complete and utter lightness! It is the state of complete and utter emptiness, yet paradoxically, it is also the state of complete and utter fullness! It is the state of complete and utter chaos, yet paradoxically, it is also the state of complete and utter order! It is the state of complete and utter confusion, yet paradoxically, it is also the state of complete and utter clarity! It is the state of complete and utter ignorance, yet paradoxically, it is also the state of complete and utter wisdom! It is the state of complete and utter illusion, yet paradoxically, it is also the state of complete and utter reality! It is the state of complete and utter separation, yet paradoxically, it is also the state of complete and utter unity! It is the state of complete and utter suffering, yet paradoxically, it is also the state of complete and utter bliss! It is the state of complete and utter death, yet paradoxically, it is also the state of complete and utter life! It is the state of complete and utter nothingness, yet paradoxically, it is also the state of complete and utter everythingness! It is the state of complete and utter absence, yet paradoxically, it is also the state of complete and utter presence! It is the state of complete and utter non-existence, yet paradoxically, it is also the state of complete and utter existence! It is the state of complete and utter illusion, yet paradoxically, it is also the state of complete and utter truth! It is the state of complete and utter delusion, yet paradoxically, it is also the state of complete and utter awakening! It is the state of complete and utter bondage, yet paradoxically, it is also the state of complete and utter freedom! It is the state of complete and utter misery, yet paradoxically, it is also the state of complete and utter happiness! It is the state of complete and utter despair, yet paradoxically, it is also the state of complete and utter hope!

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