No separate Self and No Thinker

I challenge the existence of a separate self and “I” that is the so-called thinker or experiencer or feeler or observer or anything in that sense. I assert that there is no permanent separate self and that everything we have and experience and operate with are memories. Thought, memories, knowledge, experiences, words are all the same thing. The sense of an independent self is nothing but an illusion created by thought and is an overextension of the innate survival mechanism of the body. I emphasize that thoughts and thus perspectives and mind views are distortions and contaminations of the direct perception of sensory input. Mind can only be closed and imagination can only be limited. Thought as the overextension of the defensive mechanism, is a divisive and deceptive process that creates conflicts with other thoughts and causes divisions and misperceptions of reality. I am always skeptical towards logical and rational frameworks, because they are limited in understanding the true nature of existence. Even imagination is limited and aversive against the paradoxical nature of existence. I reject the reliance on intellect and reasoning and imagination, while I’m advocating for a more direct experiential tangible understanding beyond conceptual frameworks. Life is devoid of inherent meaning, purpose and substance and it is ultimately random and senseless. So is your pursuit of goals and desires, but this does not mean in any way that existence is a blank canvas waiting to be filled in by you. No. Everything happening is superpredetermined but there are no predetermined ultimate purposes in life for you to attain or achieve. The only reason why it seems so is because of the illusion of a self and since the self is thought, thought wont allow it to accept nor come out of the paradox. Why? Because you are an aftereffect event happening in nature, a byproduct. You don’t initiate things at all, but you come at the very end of everything as residual garbage. True freedom lies in the acceptance of the unknown by embracing the paradox, contradiction and uncertainty and recognizing and realizing that the known is limited. In other words liberation comes from letting go of attachments to past memories, beliefs, the known, psychological conditioning and thus the self-image/identity. That’s why I speak often about the importance of embracing the paradoxical and uncertain nature of existence as a way to “transcend” the limitations of the thinking mind. As a kid I often found myself exactly doing this and this is why I call this the Primordial state.

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