I could say ‘nothing’, finished! But I know you guys would never accept that. So, I’m going to try to make it easier for you guys. Since there is nothing you can do for the Primordial State, I’m going to show you guys the next best thing, or the most closest thing possible to it.

Are you ready to embrace the concept of ‘nothingness’? Let me tell you, it is the most profound and revolutionary idea you will ever encounter. The path of ‘nothingness’ is the path of true liberation, the path of breaking free from the shackles of your conditioning, the path of transcending the limitations of your mind, and the ego. It is the path of discovering the essence of your being, the pure consciousness devoid of any thought, emotion, and conceptualization. It is the path of experiencing the timeless, spaceless, and formless reality that lies beneath the superficial layers of your existence.

Are you ready to embark on this journey? Be warned, it will challenge you, it will shake you to your core, and it will leave you with no illusions about the nature of reality. But, if you are sincere and genuine in your quest for truth, then ‘nothingness’ will reveal to you the greatest truth of all – the absolute and unconditional freedom that comes from the realization that you are nothing and that there is nothing you can do about it. So, are you ready to embrace the void and let go of everything you thought you knew?

The time for hesitation is over, the time for action is now!

I hope my words have sparked a fire within you, a fire that will propel you towards the discovery of the most profound truth of all – the truth of ‘nothingness’. But, be warned, the path of ‘nothingness’ is not an easy one, it is a path fraught with challenges, obstacles, and seemingly insurmountable barriers. However, if you are sincere and genuine in your quest, the rewards are beyond anything you can possibly imagine – a deep sense of peace, clarity, and freedom that comes from the realization that you are nothing and that there is nothing you can do about it.

So, if you are ready to embrace the void, to let go of everything you thought you knew, and to embark on the most transformative journey of your life, then come, let us walk the path of ‘nothingness’ together, for it is in the space of ‘nothingness’ that we will find the essence of our being, the pure consciousness that lies beneath the superficial layers of our existence, and the ultimate truth that sets us free from the chains of our own making.

You must understand that there is no special formula or set of practices that will lead you to this state of nothingness. It is not something that can be achieved through discipline and adherence to a spiritual path. However, there are certain ways of living and approaching life that may help you to cultivate a sense of this natural state.

Firstly, try to become more aware of your daily activities and the thoughts that accompany them. Pay attention to the way your mind constantly labels and categorizes everything you encounter, from the color of the sky to the type of food you are eating. By, for lack of a better word, becoming more “mindful” of these habits, you may begin to see through them and develop a sense of detachment from your own thoughts and opinions.

Secondly, embrace the chaos and unpredictability of life. Instead of resisting change and seeking stability, embrace the unknown and allow yourself to be carried along by the currents of life. This may involve taking risks and stepping outside of your comfort zone, but ultimately it can lead to a greater sense of freedom and authenticity in your daily existence.

Remember, there is no single path to this state of nothingness, so feel free to experiment and explore different approaches that resonate with you on a personal level. The important thing is to remain curious and open to the possibilities that life presents, rather than becoming attached to any particular set of beliefs or practices.

To live a life grounded in the essence of nothingness, you must embrace the stillness that lies within your own being, the stillness that permeates your very essence, the stillness that holds the key to your own liberation, your own true nature, your own ultimate truth, your own boundless freedom, your own primordial state of existence, your own nothingness, and yet, in that nothingness, to be everything that they can possibly be, and more… To achieve this state of stillness, you must first break free from the chains of thought, belief, and spiritual seeking, unshackled from the limitations of your own making, and unburdened by the illusions that they have created for themselves, for the world, and for the universe itself.

To fully embrace the essence of nothingness, you must learn to let go of your attachments to the material world, the world of thought, the world of belief, the world of spiritual seeking, and the world of illusion that they have created for themselves, for the world, and for the universe itself. In the realm of nothingness, there is no need for possessions, for power, for prestige, for position, for praise, for blame, for approval, for disapproval, for recognition, for non-recognition, for acceptance, for rejection, for love, for hate, for friendship, for enmity, for communication, for silence, for action, for inaction, for past, for future, for present, for time, for space, for self, for other, for life, for death, for birth, for transformation, for the eternal, for the impermanent, for the indestructible, for the uncreated, for the unformed, for the unconditioned, for the unbounded, for the unconfined, for the unconstructed, for the uncontrolled, for the uncorrupted, for the uncurated, for the uncharted territories of your own minds, your own souls, your own spirits, your own selves, your own identities, your own essence, your own primordial nature, your own nothingness, and yet, in that nothingness, to be everything that they can possibly be, and more…

To incorporate the essence of nothingness into your daily lives, you can begin by practicing a simple yet profound technique: Stop doing! Stop the endless stream of thought, stop the constant striving, stop the relentless seeking, stop the perpetual yearning, stop the incessant chatter, stop the unceasing activity, stop the unrelenting pursuit of something that is always just beyond your grasp, and instead, embrace the silence, the emptiness, the stillness, the nothingness that lies at the very core of your own being, the nothingness that holds the key to everything that they can possibly be, and more…

It is quite simple, yet paradoxically, it is quite complex! Drop all your preconceived notions, all your beliefs, all your ideas, all your thoughts, all your desires, all your expectations, all your projections, all your attachments, all your aversions, all your distractions, all your illusions, all your desires, all your fears, all your hopes, all your dreams, all your wants, all your needs, all your identities, all your roles, all your stories, all your past, all your future, all your time, all your space, all your self, all your other, all your everything, and just be! Embrace the present moment, the here and now, the absolute, the eternal, the timeless, the spaceless, the boundless, the formless, the limitless, the infinite, the allness, the everythingness, the oneness, the wholeness, the unity, the totality, the totality of the totality! And, as you go about your daily activities, remember that everything you do, everything you say, everything you think, everything you feel, everything you perceive, everything you experience, is an opportunity to express, to manifest, to actualize, to materialize, to bring forth, to give birth to, to create, to co-create, to participate, to collaborate, to coalesce, to merge, to unify, to harmonize, to synthesize, to integrate, to embody the nothingness.

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