For religious people

Listen, for those religious people out there in your lingo thoughts, those things they say that are in your head are Demon and DJINN, they whisper constantly like the wind. They are not yours, you are not them. You see, self-awareness, seeing yourself as something separate, constantly dividing everything and giving false labels and meaning to everything is the devil satan. Thinking, my friend is the enemy. But you are not ready to accept that.

Spit out the apple! Spit out the self-awareness. Spit out the knowledge of good and evil. Spit out the knowledge of being separate from nature. Do away with religious thinking. Do away with religious knowledge. Do away with knowledge. Thoughts are the whispers that you should not listen to. Give no value to thoughts. Do not take them for any importance.

Thought = The apple. The apple = the thought-sphere. The bite was taken a too long time ago. At least that’s what is thought. They are scared that the momentum is too big. That you can not do anything against it. That is true, anything you try to do against it adds momentum. The world mind which is just thought is the apple bitten in paradise. The apple, the psyche, the spirit, the soul, the I, the prejudice, the judgment, the discrimination, the discernment, the perception, the perspective, the psychology, the learning, the knowing, the good and the bad. It all comes back to the same thing, a thing which is not there. Spit it out and flush it out, so you can come back to your own, but there is nothing to come back to and nothing you can call your or own.

You know best is to drop it all together, it is all thought, just words, just ideas and concepts. There is really nothing there to understand and to talk about and to divide into different perspectives. But I know me saying this will not be enough for you guys reading this, so here it goes. Ideas and actions are the same thing, all actions are born out of ideas. I do not believe in anything, believes are thoughts you keep repeating to yourself. That’s why you can experience anything you want with thought. But the mind (that thing we use to experience anything) which is conditioned in it’s essence, always needs believes to operate and it will replace one belief by another as long as there as an autobiographical-self thought still there. Getting rid of this is not something you can do for yourself. So getting rid of “Evil” is not something you can do for yourself, this autobiographical-self is part of the conspiracy. When there is no autobiographical-self thought then there are also no more believes, because there is nobody there to hold on to anything. Good and Evil are both just words and thoughts too, they are believes, these are all metaphysical concepts, meaning they are not physical. You can not touch them and I do not deal in believes of what’s right and wrong. What is right for you might be wrong for the other, the only real wrong is to be engaged in it all together. But what I can do is I can paint a gloomy doom scenario and talk about how self-awareness has fucked us in the a** and how there is no way out of this and that it is destructive in it’s very own essence so it’s own destruction is inevitable. You see, even if one would paint “Thought” in the light of “Evil” and proclaim this is “The Evil” the root cause of all evil, because this is what keeps us from living natural balanced lives with nature and “Nature” is “Good”, we would still end up in the very same dichotomy as religion and all that other crap and in a belief that we have active roles to play in it. This autobiographical-self, this world-mind might be in definition the “evil” and self-awareness the “satan the devil” and thought the “enemy”, but we are in no way ready to really accept these things. Not ready to accept thought is the real enemy, because you the auto-biographical-self is also a thought and it will go with it. We don’t want that. Because eventually we do no take resolute action to solve it, but we keep on romanticizing the concepts and adding them to our believes, to our autobiographical-self stories. So we can stay to play an imaginary role in an imaginary story. Yes, anything going against the natural rhythms and anything disturbing the natural flows and anything destabilizing the balance and harmony of what is there and what we call is nature can be regarded as “The real Wrong” and “The real Evil” but there is completely nothing you can do against it because the autobiographical-self, the you is that too. It is a destabilizing disturbance. So all these things we regard as; learning, understanding, knowing, wanting, seeking, thinking are all that too. They are all destabilizing disturbances. So yea, meaning and the words itself even are destabilizing disturbances, so even talking\thinking\conceptualizing is still that destabilizing disturbing “real evil”. We are using real evil to talk/think about nothing else but real evil. So the moment we recognize something and call it good it automatically becomes evil. To recognize and translate is to divide and discriminate is to destabilize and disturb. You see, the apple is eaten too long a time ago, it has been digested fully and integrated into every cell, there is no way you can flush it out, because the you you think you are is part of it and you can not stop thinking, you can not stop destabilizing and disturbing the balance and harmony what is already there. To be honest it is also not in your interest because to stop that will mean the end of you as you know yourself

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