Dreaming and Lucid dreaming

People talk about lucid dreaming and astral projection and claim that they are controlling their dreams and doing all kinds of fantastic stuff.
But what’s really happening is that they are just dreaming about controlling a dream and just dreaming that they are astral projecting.
Even when hearing this realization many still cant comprehend and ask what’s the difference. Well there’s a huge difference.

Because even now you guys are actually just dreaming!

What’s happening while dreaming is also the same thing happening while awake. You think you are awake and you think you are sleeping.
The thought that you are going to sleep and then find yourself in a dream and afterwards awake and realizing it was a dream is actually all just one thought.

A single moment breaking that stream of thought is enough for you to snap out of it.

Yes, this supposedly awake state experience is no different from when you are actually asleep and dreaming.
Yes, you go to sleep in a dream and have dreams and nightmares in a dream and wake up in a dream and think you have slept and dreamt.
Yes, and then you go have a breakfast and go to work and school and meet people and do stuff, and this world and everything in it is a dream. Thoughts are dreams.

Yes, there are many poems and songs and movies. Telling stories about how life is but a dream. Many celebrities and artists and drugs users and holy men and people who meditate have highs and in those highs say yes its a dream or in lows and those who are in the mental hospitals. But still this is just a description of some imagenry state, some confusion or hope, it knows many forms and they all have to come down eventually and they do come down and return to what they call the realities of life.

When such a thing happens you wont go and talk romantic and poetic about it and make movies and songs about it.

You will actually start to express yourself in an unique, in way many people not want to hear. Why? Because every expression of yours will threaten their dream. So they will somehow try to incorperate you in that dream. Their dreaming will not allow them to get what you are saying. Everyone is fully participating in the dream and they think they were born and that they will die and that they have lives and need to do things and only when things go very good they say its like a dream or when things go very bad its like a nightmare. Not realizing that experiences, memories, thoughts, words and dreams are all one and the same thing. And they think they can maybe one day actually wake up from this dream and have a different life. They hope that after death they will wake up in the same way and continue having lives.

Many are actually afraid that the dream will end and never dare to go to such extents.

I have heard many people say; this life is just like a dream, meaning it feels strange sometimes and they have deja vu’s and things they can’t put their fingers on.
But I have never heard someone directly say yea I am actually aware of that I’m dreaming with certainty, now and when asleep. And with that I don’t mean that they are dreaming to be aware of the dream or are saying that in a poetic or whatever way. But that they actually went through this happening where they while dreaming snap out of something and the dream still continues but they now actually somehow know that it’s a dream.

Such a person from that moment on will never be the same again, his wake and sleep will merge.

I don’t know if any of you all are getting this and if not it doesn’t matter, but it’s like while the dream is happening and going on you find yourself to be knowing it’s a dream, separate from the dream. As if sitting in the cinema not knowing that you are watching a movie but actually living the movie and all of a sudden you realize that you are not living the movie but actually sitting in the cinema watching a movie. You see the huge difference now? But in this case there is no cinema, no person and no screen to discern. What happens is much more fascinating.

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