The Goners Club

We emphasize the importance of direct undistorted experience and direct self-realization in the form of self-refutation and we emphasize the importance of rejecting traditional beliefs, concepts and spiritual practices, as a means to end mental suffering and achieve a state of radical amazement and awareness.

  • We emphasize the importance of direct undistorted experience and direct self-realization in the form of self-refutation.
  • We emphasize that the pursuit of enlightenment and self-realization is futile and that the mind cannot comprehend the truth of existence.
  • We emphasize that the individual self is an illusion and true liberation comes from the dismantling of the structure of the self.
  • We emphasize the importance of rejecting ALL traditional beliefs, concepts and ALL spiritual practices.

  • We emphasize that there is no method or path to this liberation and it can only happen through a natural and involuntary process.
  • We emphasize that the only way to live a fulfilling life is to be fully present in the moment and to embrace the uncertainties of existence.

► WARNING: Harmful to spirituality. If you’re offended or if you’ve any other grievances, feel free to throw a hissy fit in the FORUM section. We value your feedback and internet temper tantrums.

OUT! and AWAY! with all the old and the known. That stinky bothersome garbage. All the knowledge and teachings and teachers are pure distortion and contamination. The safety nets you think you have are nothing but traps! The armor you think you have does nothing but choke the life out of you! Grow some balls and dare to live your life without all that burden of knowing and knowledge. Break down all walls and borders. Make room for the new and fresh, for the alive and truly living. Go astray! No rules, no methods, no limits.

No walking canes, no aid, no brace, no help. You can do it!
Questioning is not a hallmark of intelligence. Cessation of questioning is intelligence. You do not seem to realize that it is not possible for you to break yourself free from the methods of thought that prevent you from seeing the lim

The Nacre God

The Founder


The Nacre God


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