What you know can never be IT

What you know can never be IT. What you know can never be the primordial state, that uncontaminated consciousness, that flow, the constant, the beyond. Whatever you experience is not the primordial state, that uncontaminated consciousness, the flow, is not the constant, is not the beyond. If there is any primordial state, that uncontaminated consciousness, flow, constant or beyond, this movement of ‘YOU’ is absent, NOT THERE. The absence of this movement, the absence of ‘YOU’ probably is the primordial state, that uncontaminated consciousness, the flow, the constant, the beyond. BUT IT, the primordial state, that uncontaminated consciousness, the flow, the constant, the beyond can never be experienced by “YOU” or anyone else. It is when the ‘YOU’ is not there. Not a space and not a time. So why are you trying to experience a thing that cannot be experienced?! IT CANNOT come into consciousness nor into awareness. IT cannot be witnessed and not be observed. The coming of anything into consciousness or awareness is NOT IT and is the division, conflict and contamination. That beyond, unitary happening, the primordial state, that uncontaminated consciousness, that constant flow, that “great clockwork of life”, that ebb and flow, that silent swirly whirl. That life energy. Cannot be known nor can it have a sound. IT cannot have a meaning, cannot be described, cannot be observed. You cannot relate to it. It cannot be part of your consciousness or awareness. IT CANNOT be used. You cannot experience IT. It’s not something experienceable, not something attainable, not something reachable, not something practical. Not understandable. It’s not useful. You can not make sense of it, you can not understand it, you can not make it logical or rational. Thought is useless there, has no place there, thought is what distorts it. YOU are useless there, YOU have no place there. You being a thought cannot ever touch it and if u would do so by any luck, it would finish you as you know you. So why are you trying to experience and trying to know that which isn’t experienceable, not knowable?!

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