The Primordial State – My Unknowable and Unexperiencable state.

Let me tell you why my state, the primordial state, is an unknowable, unexperiencable, unattainable, unachievable state of being.
All knowledge comes from outside and that knowledge which comes from outside is constantly operating there in you, but not in here.
There in you, it has created an identity and a living. It has a past and a future. It has hopes, fears and dreams. But not in here.
In here the knowledge is only accessible on demand and that demand always comes from outside, it comes from you. I have no questions.
There in you, it has doubts and problems and it wants answers. In here, it is only used when there is request for it from the outside.
This, my state, is the primordial state, uncorrupted and uncontaminated by the knowledge and thus nothing false can ever come out of me.

This is not a state I came later into, but this is the state I’ve always been in. This is the state where you were in before knowledge corrupted you.
Here, I have no name, no identity, no age, no race, no past, no future. No problems, no questions. Here, I don’t know anything, not myself, not the world.
This is the state you want to be in too and you try to use the knowledge to come into this. But it is the knowledge which is preventing you from being here.
With you this knowledge has an identity and is a person with a living, out in the world and it has problems to solve and goals to achieve. But not in here.
In here the whole world is in here, not just some identity, there is no in or out here, because that kind of a knowledge doesn’t operate in here at all.
This is your state too, before knowledge contaminated and distorted it. This is not something you can achieve or attain or come in to by will and effort.
You want to use the knowledge to experience this, but you don’t see that the knowledge is exactly, that which keeps you away from this unknowable state.

That knowledge which is operating in you with an identity and a living doesn’t want you to come into this at all, because it doesn’t want to end.
That knowledge which you think is so precious and valuable is actually doing everything it can to prevent you from returning back to your primordial state.

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